The Rajasthan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (RCCI) has embarked on a remarkable journey spanning over 73 years , during which it has achieved significant milestones in the realms of social, industrial, and financial sectors through its diverse range of activities. Notably, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) has established a unique collaboration with RCCI with the primary objective of promoting employment and income generation activities by fostering Micro and Small enterprises, initially focusing on the growth-oriented sub-sectors of 'Textile' and 'Gems & Jewellery'. This collaborative effort, known as Orientation Phase I, commenced in October 1998 and involved purposeful interventions tailored to meet the specific demands of the target beneficiaries, which continued until September 2008.
Building upon the achievements of Phase I, Phase II (1.10.2001–30.9.2006) placed special emphasis on uplifting and empowering micro entrepreneurs and micro enterprises operating in the sub-sectors of Wool & Woolen Products, Rural Craft & Culture, Agro & Food Processing, and Textiles. This phase encompassed a range of interactions and interventions designed to enhance the capabilities and opportunities available to these enterprises.
Subsequently, Phase III (1.10.2006 to 30.9.2008) was implemented with the following focal points:
i) Promotion of innovation and creativity among groups of artisans, self-help groups (SHGs), and micro and small enterprises (MSEs), providing support to extraordinary activities that often go unrecognized by mainstream institutions.
ii) Training and capacity building of groups of artisans, SHGs, business development service providers (BDSPs), and MSEs, addressing their specific skill requirements based on demand and need.
iii) Strengthening BDSPs through targeted support and capacity building initiatives to ensure their sustainability.
iv) Facilitating the mobilization of resources from other development agencies and government departments in favor of artisans, MSEs, and BDSPs.
v) Enhancing the skill sets of RCCI project team members through focused capacity building activities.
vi) Documenting interventions and success stories to capture valuable insights and experiences gained throughout the project implementation.
This strategic approach aimed to foster sustainable growth and socio-economic development within the targeted sectors, leveraging partnerships and resources while empowering individuals and communities.